Mot de passe oublié ?

Be going to

L'expression be going to s'emploie pour exprimer l'idée du futur dans certains cas :

1) Pour exprimer une action qui est sur le point de se produire :
Exemple : The bus is going to leave. (le bus va partir)

2) Pour parler d'un évènement que l'on peut prévoir :
Exemple : It is going to rain. (il va pleuvoir)

3) Pour exprimer une intention :
Exemple : I am going to buy a new car next year. (je vais acheter une nouvelle voiture l'année prochaine)


Forme affirmativeForme négativeForme interrogative
I am going to eat I am not going to eat Am I going to eat ?
You are going to eat You are not going to eat Are you going to eat ?
He is going to eat He is not going to eat Is he going to eat ?
She is going to eat She is not going to eat Is she going to eat ?
It is going to eat It is not going to eat Is it going to eat ?
We are going to eat We are not going to eat Are we going to eat ?
You are going to eat You are not going to eat Are you going to eat ?
They are going to eat They are not going to eat Are they going to eat ?

Exemples :
Are you going to work ? (Est-ce que tu vas travailler ?)
No, I am not going to work. (Non, je ne vais pas travailler)

Are you going to sleep ? (Est-ce que tu vas dormir ?)
Yes, I am going to sleep. (Oui, je vais dormir)
Exercices :

Exercices de mathématiques | Exercices de français | Exercices pour le primaire

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