Mot de passe oublié ?

To have / have got

Le verbe 'to have' signifie la plupart du temps 'avoir' (we have a problem => nous avons un problème).
Mais il peut aussi dans certains cas avoir le sens de 'prendre'(we have breakfast at eight => nous prenons le petit déjeuner à 8 heures.)

On ajoute parfois la particule GOT pour obtenir l'expression have got qui signifie également avoir/posséder. Cette expression est toutefois plus utilisée en anglais britannique (c'est-à-dire en Angleterre, en Écosse, en Irlande du Nord et au Pays de Galles) qu'en anglais américain et on l'emploie davantage à l'oral qu'à l'écrit (il s'agit d'un registre plutôt familier).

Exemple : I have got a car => j'ai une voiture.

Remarque : avec GOT, have est un auxiliaire, mais employé seul, il se conjugue comme un verbe ordinaire.

Forme affirmative

To haveHave got
Forme développéeForme contractéeForme développéeForme contractée
I haveI'veI have gotI've got
You haveYou'veYou have gotYou've got
He hasHe'sHe has gotHe's got
She hasShe'sShe has gotShe's got
It hasIt'sIt has gotIt's got
We haveWe'veWe have gotWe've got
You haveYou'veYou have gotYou've got
They haveThey'veThey have gotThey've got

Exemples :
I have got a pen. (j'ai un stylo)
You have got a dog. (tu as un chien)
She has got a cat. (elle a un chat)
We've got a house. (nous avons une maison)
He's got a sister. (il a une soeur)

Forme interrogative

To haveHave got
Do I have ?Have I got ?
Do you have ?Have you got ?
Does he have ?Has he got ?
Does she have ?Has she got ?
Does it have ?Has it got ?
Do we have ?Have we got ?
Do you have ?Have you got ?
Do they have ?Have they got ?

Remarque :
La forme interrogative n'a pas de forme contractée.

Exemples :
Do you have a cat ? / Have you got a cat ? (As-tu un chat ?)
Does she have a phone ? / Has she got a phone ? (A-t-elle un téléphone ?)
Does he have blue eyes ? / Has he got blue eyes ? (A-t-il les yeux bleus ?)

Forme négative

La forme négative admet une forme contractée, elle sera d'ailleurs plus utilisée, surtout avec la forme 'have got'.
To haveHave got
Forme développéeForme contractéeForme développéeForme contractée
I do not haveI don't haveI have not gotI haven't got
You do not haveYou don't haveYou have not gotYou haven't got
He does not haveHe doesn't haveHe has not gotHe hasn't got
She does not haveShe doesn't haveShe has not gotShe hasn't got
It does not haveIt doesn't haveIt has not gotIt hasn't got
We do not haveWe don't haveWe have not gotWe haven't got
You do not haveYou don't haveYou have not gotYou haven't got
They do not haveThey don't haveThey have not gotThey haven't got

Exemples :
I don't have a dog. / I haven't got a dog. (je n'ai pas de chien)
He doesn't have a car. / He hasn't got a car. (Il n'a pas de voiture.)
You don't have a bike. / You haven't got a bike. (tu n'as pas de vélo)
She doesn't have long hair. / She hasn't got long hair. (Elle n'a pas les cheveux longs)

Exercices :